Dreidel Design Challenge #doyoudreidel?! 2022

Dreidel Design Challenge #doyoudreidel?! 2020

S.T.E.A.M. at Akiva
Akiva School is committed to providing our children with the skills and habits of mind needed to excel in their worlds. At Akiva, we identify real-world problems and endeavor to solve them with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) focus. In addition, we are committed to providing our faculty with meaningful professional development opportunities, and many of them present at local and national conferences on education. Akiva nurtures a collaborative culture that is both challenging and supportive.
What is STEAM?
The acronym STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. At Akiva, the STEAM education focuses on helping prepare our children to take part in the global marketplace. From an early age, our children’s learning encourages discovery, critical thinking, exploratory use of technology and the Arts, and hands-on problem solving activities. Beginning in kindergarten our students learn coding and the steps of the engineering design process as well as cultivate their minds to solve world problems with an empathy based approach.
Akiva School MakerSpace
The Akiva MakerSpace initiative is financially supported by our parents, the Parent Teacher Friend Association (PTFA) and community leaders. The MakerSpace is equipped with a 3D printer, sewing machines, robots for coding, a CNC router, a workbench, a lego wall, educational resources to promote collaborative exploration, and other items selected by our students.
Moveable iPads, laptops, and Chromebooks are present in any of the rooms needed and on a 1:1 ratio in the Middle School.
Media Lab
The Akiva School Media Lab is equipped with iPads, speakers, microphones and a green screen for children to create shorts, films, and clips that reflect, showcase, and enrich their learning.
The newly renovated stage provides students with experiences to share their learning in an amplified and honorable manner. As part of the Akiva theatre program, students learn about sound, and how to manipulate it to amplify their theatrical and purposeful presence on the stage.
The Akiva garden is a space where children take part in learning about the Earth’s bounty and how sunlight, water and weather impact our Earth. All Akiva children have an opportunity to grow a crop in the Akiva garden and to nurture it. Children have additional options to delve more deeply into their learning with a master gardener and professional chef as a part of their electives.